Basic Appliance Theory
What is inside an appliance?
Basic electrical principles
Voltage, current, and resistance
Ohm's Law
DC and AC
Series and parallel circuits
Appliance Troubleshooting
Safety myths
Safety guidelines
Should I unplug appliances when not in
Troubleshooting tips
Basic hand tools
Soldering techniques
Desoldering techniques
Soldering pins in plastic connectors
Solderless connectors
Wire stripping
Attaching wires to screw terminals
Test equipment
Getting inside consumer appliances
Getting built up dust and dirt out of
Lubrication of appliances
Common appliance problems
Appliance cord gets hot
Extension cords
Internal wiring - cables and connectors
Switches - power, mode, or speed selection
Relays - electrically activated switches
for power or control
Contact configurations
Electrical overload protection devices
- fuses and circuit breakers
Fuse or circuit breaker replacement
Thermal protection devices - thermal
fuses and thermal switches
More on thermal fuses
Controls 1 - adjustable thermostats
Controls 2 - rheostats and potentiometers
Interlocks - prevent operation with door
Indicators - incandescent or neon light
bulbs or LEDs
Heating elements
Repair of broken heating elements
Solenoids - small and large
Small electronic components - resistors,
capacitors, diodes
Motors - AC, Induction, DC
Fans and Blowers - bladed or centrifugal
Bearings and bushings
Mechanical controllers - timing motors
and cam switches
Electronic controllers - simple delay
or microprocessor based
Convection oven noise
Garbage disposals
Garbage disposal pops reset button but
nothing blocked
Garbage disposal is stuck - hums but
does not turn
Garbage disposal seizes repeatedly
Garbage disposal replacement (or upgrade)
Motor bearing problems
Motor noise
Finding a replacement motor
Major Appliances
Web sites for large appliance troubleshooting
Electric oven calibration
Heat control in electric range surface
Electric range top element does not work
Range, oven, dryer electronic ignition
Replacing a thermostat
Oven door seal repair
Freezer is normal but fresh food compartment
isn't even cool
Refrigerator not cooling after a week
Defrost system operation and wiring
Compressor starting relays
Changing the temperature range of a refrigerator
Washer sometimes spins
Clothes washer does not fill (cold or
Window air conditioner preventive maintenance
Window air conditioner doesn't cool
Air conditioner freezes up
Comments on electric clothes dryer problems
and repair
Dryer shuts down after a few minutes
Why has my dryer (or other high current)
plug/socket burned up?
Four year old gas dryer just started
popping GFCI
Checking dishwasher solenoids
Electrical Wiring Information and Problems
Safe electrical wiring
What is a GFCI?
GFCIs, overloads, and fire safety
How does a GFCI work
More on how the GFCI detects a N-G short
GFCIs and safety ground
Where are 3 wire grounded outlets required?
Why you should NOT connect G to N
Testing installed GFCIs
Outlet wiring screwed up?
220 V outlet reads 0 VAC between slots
Why a GFCI should not be used with major
Comments on whole house surge suppressors
Determining electricity usage
Service Information
Wiring diagrams
Removing screw with stripped head
Mike's tips on improvised parts repair
Fixing stripped plastic threaded holes
Interchangeability of components
Appliance repair books
Large appliance repair manuals and Web
Manufacturer support
Parts suppliers